
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Linky links

Fun, random links from around the web...

- Congrats to Erin & Ryan on their engagement!

- I can't get enough of little kids with British accents, words like – literally, MOO-stache and rubbish sound so much better.

- Book worm: I want to read this book for fun and this book and this book for baby W.

- For the Harry Potter dorks like me and hot, grown up Longbottom 

- Can't believe the Wiener Circle in Chicago is getting a reality TV show!

- How ridiculously amazing does this cake look?

- Can't stop laughing... awkward Preggers photos


  1. Did you know Stella was due and born on September 1st? So happy you are blogging! Loving it!!

  2. YAY!!! I am so excited for the wedding festivities to begin!! Thank you so much for your support...we are very lucky to have such wonderful friends!

  3. Katy - I didn't know Stella was born on September 1st! She is such a cutie, I just can't get enough photos of her. The little boots and swim cap photos you posted recently just kill me.

  4. Dialie - Had so much fun picking out wedding colors last night. Can't wait to see how it all comes together!
